Graduate Students

Our graduate students specialize in areas such as Marketing, Statistics, and Artificial Intelligence. They are heavily immersed in a variety of projects for the CADS Lab. Get to know them below:


  • Anthony Weishampel

Anthony is a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics. Anthony joined the CADS team in January 2017. Since then, Anthony has implemented Causal State Models and developed Functional Data Analysis methods to model social media users’ behaviors and classify the users based on their posting patterns. These models have been used to detect automated accounts and to elicit other latent features of the users.


  • Iris Bennett

Iris is a graduate student in the NCSU Department of Statistics. Her research focuses on Markov models.




  • Gijs Overgoor

Gijs is a Marketing PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam but spends most of his time in the CADS lab as a Visiting Researcher at North Carolina State University. His research focus is on applying techniques from AI and Econometrics to solve marketing problems. His work includes consumer interaction with visual content on websites a well as a framework for implementing Marketing AI projects.


  • Rohan Mestri

Rohan Mestri is a Master’s Student in Computer Science at NC State. He joined CADS Lab in 2020 and his research interests and experience lie in solving complex AI-based decision problems in the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision.